Jaime Doumas

Jaime Doumas

Mental Health & Immunity

Providing naturopathic, nutrition and lifestyle services to support you on your health journey.

Blending traditional naturopathic philosophy and knowledge to evidence-based scientific practice, we use a holistic and realistic approach to tailoring personalised treatment packages to educate and empower you to achieve your best health outcomes.

Referrals for functional pathology tests are available through Clinical Labs and NutriPath. Genetic profiling tests for health and wellbeing are also available.

Reiki and Flower Essence consultations are available.

Providing naturopathic, nutrition and lifestyle services to support you on your health journey.

Blending traditional naturopathic philosophy and knowledge to evidence-based scientific practice, we use a holistic and realistic approach to tailoring personalised treatment packages to educate and empower you to achieve your best health outcomes.

Referrals for functional pathology tests are available through Clinical Labs and NutriPath. Genetic profiling tests for health and wellbeing are also available.

Reiki and Flower Essence consultations are available.


Contact & clinic information

59 Desailly St, Sale, 3850 AU
+61 423 362079